2009年2月4日 星期三

iRex firmware version 1.5


現在已經是2月了,當初在2008-10-24時說的upcoming software update和software release 1.02同時提出的1.5版,在1.02版delay到11/17才出現,而預計要在預計12月初公佈的1.5版,也一路跳.....跳票到了1月"上旬"。但是等到我們的農曆過年都過完了,也還沒個影子。


Upcoming Features / Enhancements SR v1.5

1. Advanced Power Management (Configurable Suspend to RAM timeout; device automatically suspends if not activity for x minutes and Configurable Automatic Shutdown after x minutes of no activity)
2. Configurable Toolbar (drag and drop) per application with 8 action icons
3. Lock sensors with click on lock
4. Page rendering performance improvements
5. Improve speed of closing documents
6. [Mobipocket] Support image hyperlink: show image on a full page
7. [Mobipocket] Implement cover page
8. Step-wise increase and decrease zoom and font buttons (usable in toolbar)
9. Battery status icon clickable; shows battery status
10. Improved display updates: less useless screen updates

就update log而言,看來還大有可為的。最重要的是把大家引頸期待的Advanced Power Management,尤其是suspend,及Automatic Shutdown加進去了,希望使用時間可以一舉衝破24小時。不要再被其他的電子書(如sony prs-700)的使用時間打到趴。

*Update 2 February* We decided to add a small last minute update from one of our suppliers, this is being test right now and we expect to release software version 1.5 on Wednesday.

這時一堆死忠的網友開罵了。認為iRex根本不懂行銷,不認真對待end user,不.....。好歹也先出個1.50版,解解大家對續航力的渴。而那個不甚重要,甚至是根本不知道是什麼的small last minute update,從不知名的one of our suppliers,可以留到1.50.1版去算了。


***暫時沒圖 *翻桌

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