2009年6月25日 星期四





2009年6月22日 星期一






2009年6月15日 星期一

[引用] CrunchPad: The Launch Prototype

CrunchPad: The Launch Prototype

by Michael Arrington on June 3, 2009

We've been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the final design for the device. We're showing the conceptual drawings here today. In another few weeks we'll have the first working prototypes in our office.

This launch prototype is another significant step forward from the last prototype. The screen is now flush with the case and we've decreased the overall thickness to about 18 mm. The case will be aluminum, which is more expensive than plastic but is sturdier and lets us shave a little more off the overall thickness of the device.

I believe the device now actually looks better than the original concept design we published last summer. Compare the images below to the first prototype and you can see how far we've come. If you're interested, here's Prototype B. Pictures of Prototype C, which is the device we're actually demo'ing to people now, are here.

A lot has happened behind the scenes, too. Our partner Fusion Garage continues to drive the software forward, and we are in deep discussions with key partners to bring the device to market. If you'd like to see the previous CrunchPad in action, we have a previously-private video available on YouTube that shows our vision for the user interface and the last version of the software stack. This is a Linux based operating system and a Webkit based browser. The device boots directly into the browser.

The next time we talk about the CrunchPad publicly will be at a special press and user event in July in Silicon Valley. If you'd like to be emailed when new news comes out, send an email to crunchpad@techcrunch.com and we'll put you on the list.

Here is the near-final industrial design for the CrunchPad:

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2009年6月1日 星期一

JAM Project Live "Gate of the Future" in Taipei

每年在台灣開的演唱會真是不計其數。我也一直到了現在這個年齡,才開始接觸。去年第一次去到JAM Project,No Border全球巡迴的第一站:台灣。著實感受到那150分鐘不間斷的熱情。雖然主辦的場地、尤其是音響設備,實在是太破了(太容易破音了)讓我有點微詞,不過台上台下所散發出的激情,還真的是要親身經歷才能瞭解。當然,這也拜那些看地球儀的小朋友之賜,和網友的幫忙,不排隊和守在電腦旁,就拿到vip區域的票,更是感受到所謂"偶像"的魅力。


看到沒,不一樣吧,10塊錢的票(哈),看來某k姓友人要報帳會更好報了,不必再說是二手的了吧。特別還標了是貴賓卷說,真高級。今年特別在台灣開了兩場演唱,而主題是Gate of the Future。我參加的是星期六的第一場。

到了場地,其實有點不太爽,這樣的位置也和我們收最貴的票價。相對於去年,整個坐位是向後移了10多排吧,簡直移出了所謂的hot zone。再仔細一看,前面的原來是日本團,從日本追星追來台灣了。難怪我們的"貴賓卷"硬是被向後擠了出來。(話說,那些日本團還有人很應景的穿了"水手服"出來,還真......優呀)