2008年5月25日 星期日

完美呈現:Homebrew Channel beta 7 + Gecko Region Free v1.5


自從馬莉歐賽車的出現,看著網友連線連得好不快樂,只好一個人在網路上逛來逛去,找尋有沒有可以讓未改機的wii也可以跨區玩片子的東西。雖然知道homebrew在wii上因為"兩光公主"(Twilight Hacker)的漏洞發展了起來,也知道freeloader在playasia已經開賣了,但是新的IOS37也為了這些等於是改機級的程式加上了不確定的影子(不確定能不能永遠的跑下去)。在爬文的過程中,突然的出現了Gecko Region Free,另一個號稱和freeloader完全不同,完全不參考/改寫別人程式碼的"軟"破區碼軟體。於是,在數天的推敲和工作後(還包括了不少老婆的抱怨),終於可以用兩光公主,經三四個步驟和馬大叔一起賽.......

先提醒大家,不管東西有多好,有多方便,請注意,使用homebrew不是沒有風險,尤其安裝homebrew channel必須動到系統記憶體的狀況下,更不能保證什麼。而且IOS37的影響未明,請安裝者自己評估是否有能力處理,所有作者(包括小弟我)不保證系統的安全及持續運行(即可能會變磚、再起不能等等)。原警告文如下:


Any persistent modification to your system (meaning, anything that does not go
away when you turn off your Wii) carries some inherent risk. We have worked
hard to avoid this whereever possible, but we are unable to test all possible

We do, however, believe that our channel is safer to install than any other
homebrew channel that has been released, and once you have installed it we hope
you will never need to install another!

A special note about System Updates:
The Homebrew Channel relies on certain security flaws (fakesigned TMD and
ticket) that may eventually be fixed in future versions of the Wii System
Software. When these flaws are fixed, you may not be able to install this
channel for the first time.

It is not clear what will happen to users who have already installed this
channel. We have done extensive simulation testing with the current System
Menu and the (currently dormant) IOS37, and we believe there is no danger to
your system, even if you upgrade.

That having been said, we are releasing this software to you in the hope that
you will find it useful. We can not and will not offer you any warranty on the
functionality of this software, or its impact on your Wii System. We have
made our best effort to ensure its safety and to honestly explain the risks
involved, but the decision (and responsibility) is ultimately up to you.

We recommend that you check for news at http://wiibrew.org about compatibility
with new Nintendo System Updates before installing them; we will test each
update as soon as it is publicly available, and will announce whether any
issues have been discovered.


剛剛提到,用上兩光公主,經三四個步驟終於可以和馬大叔一起玩馬賽(不是喇賽)。但是,這終究不夠好,三四個步驟,還要換片,乾脆叫我直接用菜瓜布刮傷兩光公主那一片好了。玩了一兩次,就只剩一個"懶"字。再爬文,又看到homebrew channel相關的文章和影片。但是,試了一下,真的是............不能用[無力],load GeckoRF的程式碼時還正常,一讀光碟就當了。

這時,在短短一個月內,整個homebrew scene一整個發展了起來,包括了wiimote的gui也開發出來公用的library,再也不必單靠GC搖桿來操作;usb mass starage開始了最原始的test及test2版本,雖然error code還不完全,但意味著將來不必再依賴SD卡,也不用被SD卡的2G容量上限限制住(wii不支援SDHC);TCP/IP的library更不用說,早就出現了。網友svpe公佈了如何讓homebrew更容易的被loader載入,不會當機的技巧。真的,只能說,該有的都有了,作者們的態度呢?

先說Nuke吧,Gecko Region Free的作者,在official forum上為了NTSC--PAL之間的問題,將版本從1.0-->1.1-->1.2-->1.3的一路改下去,也接受了網友的要求,要改善和loader之間的相容性,以及不穩定的網路連接。在svpe的建言和協助之下,雖然1.4版還不能用loader載入(應該吧,好像大部份的人都沒拿到這個版本),這兩天release出了1.5版,撇開NTSC--PAL之間的問題(這是台灣的人的幸福),這個版本相當的好用,用loader載入會當的問題也解決了。只是Nuke食言了,並沒有看到channel版本。

再來,在我們不清楚的地方,一堆beta tester正在改良homebrew channel,版本號一路增加到了beta 6。我們只在5/5,看到了個youtube的影片告知說這個project還在進行中,也看到了它令人amazing的介面。終於,搶在region free channel之前,在昨天,它推出了公測版beta 7,同時提供的傻瓜包(還是說體驗包?)也將Gecko Region Free 1.5版包進去了。新的展示影片如下:


如此,整個homebrew scene等於是已經得到了它的os/xmb,接下來呢?真令人期望。

謝謝各位網友的努力,尤Nuke、svpe、para、以及整個hbc team和所有的beta testers。

keywords: 全區、破解、homebrew、channel、region free、wii
